Cofense Email Security

Satan: A Detailed Look at a Notorious Ransomware Family

Satan ransomware logo RaaS, or Ransomware as a Service, enables threat actors that lack the skillset to write their own malware the capacity to infect people’s computers with ransomware through a service, holding the victims’ files hostage for Bitcoin payments. One of the latest RaaS offerings is Satan, a ransomware variant that is easily accessible on a hidden website when browsing with the TOR browser. The website allows anyone to create a ransomware sample which in turn takes a cut of the ransom proceeds from its victims’ payments.


The TOR hidden service website allows for anyone to create a Satan loader sample after registering for a free account. The front page encourages visitors to register accounts, create a new virus and download it. Although the site handles the building of the initial ransomware loader, it is up for the RaaS user to distribute the malware. Bitcoin payments made by victims are then credited to the RaaS user’s account and the service takes a thirty percent cut for facilitating this cybercrime. The website requires the user to correctly solve CAPTCHAs for any form submitted as a precaution against automated web vulnerability scanners. Below is a screenshot of the front that explains how the service functions: Satan ransomware attack message on computer screen


Although the RaaS requires its users to distribute the malware themselves, it also provides a dropper service to assist the user in the initial infection process. By utilizing a dropper, malware actors are able to bypass antivirus email scanners by creating malicious CHM or Office documents that download the ransomware loader once these files are opened by a duped victim who perceived these email attachments to be legit. This dropper service contains helper scripts, pictured below, that encrypt the ransomware loaders with a static XOR key, further bypassing virus detection if the system is solely looking for executables in network traffic. The RaaS user is also able to enter a URL where they host the encrypted ransomware loader that the generated droppers will download, decrypt, and execute the ransomware loader. Satan ransomware encryption progress on computer screen Once this information is entered, the user is then able to copy & paste either a CHM (Windows executable help file) or a malicious DOC macro. Although these malicious scripts are not obfuscated, they still have relatively low AV detection. Satan ransomware payment instructions on computer screen Per the instructions provided by the dropper service, the CHM generator creates an HTML file which can then be compiled to the Windows executable CHM file using the chmProcessor application, pictured below. The generated HTML file spawns a command shell and executes PowerShell to download, decrypt and execute the ransomware payload. Satan ransomware decryption instructions on computer screen The generated, executable CHM file only had a detection with one of the fifty-four scanning engines in Virus Total when we tested this dropper method in lab. It would appear that script obfuscation is not required to bypass antivirus defenses for these initial, malicious droppers.

Loader Analysis

The Satan RaaS malware employs a number of anti-analysis techniques in order to prevent automated or manual analysis of a sample. A review of the malware Hash:  b70622bf5192b5a254932451814cc4a1 Version: shows ~20 different checks which are done in order for the malware to continue running and unpack the payload. Satan ransomware warning message on computer screen Cylance has already done  a great analysis which covers the majority of these techniques, so this report doesn’t review all of them in detail won’t review all of them in detail.
  1. Calls BlockInput to block user interaction with the system
  2. Checks for known AVG modules
  3. Checks for a known Debugger windows using FindWindow
  4. Checks for KernelDebugger
The malware uses an interesting trick where it loads the KdDebuggerEnabled field directly and compare the value. Satan6 illustration depicting cyber threats"
  1. Check for attached debuggers calling Checks for a debugger calling isDebuggerPresent and CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent
  2. Check for a blacklisted analysis modules by calling the GetModuleHandle
  3. Check for blacklisted analysis Processes by calling FindWindow
  4. Check if the method wine_get_unix_file_name is exported by kernel32.dll to detect the presence of wine
  5. Call NTClose and CloseHandle with Invalid handles as an anti-debugging method.
  6. Create a VEH handler and calls int 3 as an anti-debugging method.Satan7 illustration showcasing potential cyber attacks
  7. Hooking Check
It checks for possible Jump hooks (0xff, 0x25) or (0xe9) in CreateProcess, DeleteFile, ldrLoadDll & NTQueryInformationProcess functions. Satan8 depiction of possible cyber crime activities
  1. Debugger Check with csrss handle
Satan9 illustration representing digital security risks The process attempts to open a handle to csrss.exe to detect the presence of a debugger. If the request succeeds and a valid handle is opened this can indicate that a debugger is actively running on the system or that the user has sufficient access to debug a system process. Satan11 visual showing potential online dangers
  1. Create top level exception handler and trigger by popping a divide by 0 exception as an anti-debugging technique
  2. Check the OS Version to determine if the sample should run. (No XP support)
  3. Call NTQueryInformationProcess
The sample makes a number of calls to determine if the process is being debugged, by checking the ProcessDebugPort, ProcessDebugObjectHandle & ProcessDebugFlags. Satan12 illustration representing Email Security challenges And an additional check for the process devenv.exe the name commonly associated with Visual Studio. Satan13 image highlighting digital threats and vulnerabilities
  1. Check for HW BreakPoints
The Process will check for hardware breakpoints by getting the thread context by calling GetThreadContext and then checking the context debug registers. Satan14 graphic showcasing potential online risks
  1. Check that the filename does not include a blacklisted term
  2. Check that the username doesn’t contain a blacklisted term
  3. Check that the path does not contain a blacklisted term.
Although the loader includes so many anti-analysis techniques they are all contained within a single function call, which makes it easy to bypass all of the techniques with a single hop. Satan16 depiction of Email Security threats and attacks The number of implemented checks and techniques indicate that many of these may have been copied from OSS projects and added to the list of anti-analysis checks. The two main projects with either similar or identical checks are:
  • al-khaser – “PoC malware with good intentions that aims to stress your anti-malware system..”
  • Pafish – “A demonstration tool that employs several techniques to detect sandboxes and virtualization environments..”
For example pulling the list of blacklisted processes, we find the same list within the al-kahser source file process.cpp. Satan18 illustration of possible online security breaches Or the blacklisted user and directory names as found in the pafish project file gensandbox.c: Satan20 graphic depicting cybercrime and digital fraud Additionally, the inclusion of checking for the “devenv.exe” process in relation to checking the ProcessDebug flags can be found to within sample code on anti-debugging and protection techniques. Looking at a previous version of the ransomware (v1.0.0.1) we see that the anti-analysis checks have been evolving. Within this older sample (hash) we find several checks for virtualization artifacts that no longer exist within the newer version of the loader. For example the registry and process checks for virtualization artifacts. Tech-Analysis-17 image showcasing technology analysis Or the inspection of the physical drive to ensure that the user can obtain an valid handle and that the disk size is > 50G. Satan22 illustration representing possible digital breaches The removal of some of these checks could indicate that the author(s) have found some issues with the checks or found them to be ineffective. Since many these anti-analysis checks appear to be copied from OSS projects we can assume that new techniques are likely to be added as the ransomware evolves.


After the anti-analysis checks are passed, the sample spawns a child process of itself and uses Process Hollowing to write the unpacked executable into the spawned process. Satan23 depiction of cyber threats and vulnerabilities This follows the standard Process Holllowing technique of: Satan25 image showcasing potential digital attacks Once the injected process is launched the parent loader process exits. The injected process then melts a modified version of the loader into the directory: %appdata%/<generated_dir_name>/<generated_file_name>.exe and creates an entry within the registry key HKCUSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun for persistence. In previous versions of the loader this would also include the –t switch, but this option is no long available within the new analyzed version The malware then executes the melted version which drops and runs a batch script in %temp% to delete the initial loader executable and script files. Satan26 graphic representing digital security threats Target Files Satan27 visual showing cybercrime activities and risks An initial analysis of the payload shows that over 375 file types are targeted for encryption. Once the file is encrypted it is renamed and the extension is replaced with ‘.stn’ One interesting feature of the payload observed during the initial analysis was the support of a couple of command line switches (-i and -r) Satan28 illustration of potential digital fraud and cyber threats Analyzing the -i path produces a debug window which includes what appears to be the payload version (1.00.13) and the uinque id assigned at the time of download. This Id can be seen within the download ULR of a generated sample satan6dll23napb5[.]onion/malwares/{uniquie_id}


We can see that the Custom Loader used by the ransomware continues to evolve as the author(s) add and remove functionality. As the ransomware uses a custom loader it can be used to identify and cluster samples. This is uncommon with most malware so we would expect that another stage would be added to the execution chain by actors using this:
  • Stage_1 (generic packer) à Stage_2 (custom loader à Stage 3 (payload)
This would make it much more difficult to statically cluster samples as the initial executable file wouldn’t exhibit any identifying characteristics. Searching for both artifacts of the dropper scripts a user can generate on the panel and for other loaders, we have been unable to find evidence that this is being used as a payload within any large scale e-mail campaigns. This may be due to any number of factors:
  • The method being used within the infection vector are using obfuscated versions of the provided .chm and macro droppers or writing custom scripts to be used for infection.
  • This is being used in low volume campaigns targeting primarily home users.
  • Potential operators need to share profits (30%) with the original author(s) and also trust that they would get their cut of ransom for targets.
  • Potential operators need to trust the site operators


AVG Modules
  • avghookx.dll
  • avghooka.dll
Blacklisted Debug Windows
  • WinDbgFrameClass
  • Zeta Debugger
  • Rock Debugger
  • ObsidianGUI
  • Blacklisted Modules
  • SbieDll.dll
  • dbghelp.dll
  • snxhk.dll
  • api_log.dll
  • dir_watch.dll
  • vmcheck.dll
  • wpespy.dll
  • pstorec.dll
Blacklisted Process Names
  • ollydbg.exe
  • ProcessHacker.exe
  • tcpview.exe
  • autoruns.exe
  • autorunsc.exe
  • filemon.exe
  • Procmon.exe
  • Procexp.exe
  • idaq.exe
  • idaq64.exe
  • ImmunityDebugger.exe
  • WireShark.exe
  • dumpcap.exe
  • HookExplorer.exe
  • ImportRec.exe
  • PeTools.exe
  • LordPE.exe
  • SysInspector.exe
  • Proc_analyzer.exe
  • sysAnalyzer.exe
  • sniff_hit.exe
  • windbg.exe
  • joeboxcontrol.exe
  • joeboxserver.exe
Name Blacklist
  • sample.exe
  • c:InsideTM
  • Username Blacklist
  • Directory Blacklist
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