Microsoft Customer Voice URLs Used In Latest Phishing Campaign

November 15, 2022

Found in Environments Protected By:
Microsoft, Proofpoint

By Brooke McLain, Cofense Phishing Defense Center

Analysts at the Cofense Phishing Defense Center (PDC) see all sorts of tactics being used by threat actors to make their phishing campaigns more effective. Recently the PDC has observed phishing campaigns abusing Microsoft Customer Voice URLs, similar to the campaign reported in August. While Microsoft Customer Voice is a customer engagement/survey service that is used for plenty of benign and useful reasons, threat actors are always trying to abuse such avenues. Figure 1 is an example of such an attempt.

Cofense Featured Image for Email Security SolutionsFigure 1: Email Body 

As seen in Figure 1, the body of this email attempts to appear legitimate due to the use of the Microsoft SharePoint logo, as well as the simple formatting of the body, which convinces the user receiving the email that this is an authentic document being delivered through SharePoint. In the message itself, the threat actor is trying to persuade the recipient to click “Go To Document >>,” leading to the first page of the phishing attack at a Microsoft Customer Voice URL. By using such a Microsoft URL, the user can be tricked into believing this is a legitimate email.

Cofense Figure 2: Illustration of Email Security Risk FactorsFigure 2: Phishing Page 

Once at the Microsoft Customer Voice page seen in Figure 2, the user is informed that they have to “preview” the document. This is an example of threat actors using stolen credentials to build a page that the user wouldn’t know exists and is difficult for the recipient to know. Once opening the hyperlink nested in the “CLICK HERE TO PRINT | PREVIEW DOCUMENT” section of the page, the user is redirected to the final phishing page.

Cofense Figure 3: Illustration of Phishing Attack PatternsFigure 3: Phishing Page 

The second malicious URL, hxxps://fghdfghdf-g0ej-5r90hngt-w9rnef-w9nejrf-9wenjf-efdewd[.]obs[.]ap-southeast-2[.]myhuaweicloud[.]com/sx-3rg-0o-j-hq-enjf-0whbnr-0fnjqe-0fcdhnwq-enc-0enf[.]htm, seen in Figure 3, takes the recipient to the landing page of the phish where they are prompted to enter their Microsoft login credentials. The appearance of the page closely resembles that of a legitimate Microsoft login page.

In the end, this campaign used to abuse Microsoft Customer Voice services by threat actors has given them another way to get their phishing landing pages to users. Luckily for the client in this example, they had Cofense Vision, so any other instances of this specific campaign in their email environment can be quarantined. Couple that with the knowledge of the PDC analyst, and enterprises can enjoy adaptive and responsive protection. Contact us to learn more.

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