Cofense Phishing Threat Detection and Response (PDR) Platform
Harness human-vetted intelligence at scale with automated efficiency.
Rules-based and AI model-based SEGs miss dangerous AI-powered phishing attacks. The Cofense PDR platform gives you unique, diverse intelligence to see and rapidly remediate those SEG-miss threats.

Triage Email Analytics
Phishing Threat Analysis
Triage Email Analytics is a phishing-specialized tool to speed analysis and threat determination from user-reporting. Triage delivers powerful visibility and automated analysis into your own indicators of compromise (IOCs) and IOCs generated by the Cofense global reporting network.
Cofense Intelligence
Unique Phishing Threat Intelligence
Cofense Intelligence is the industry’s only phishing-focused threat intelligence offering, leveraging data from the world’s largest global phishing reporting network. Every IOC in our threat intelligence starts with a real-world SEG miss report. All IOCs are human-vetted by Cofense analysts for 99.998% positive accuracy. Cofense Intelligence connects to and informs all other parts of the Cofense and PhishMe solution architecture.

Vision Email Auto-Quarantine
Automated Phishing Detection and Remediation
Vision Email Auto-Quarantine is a high-performance, automated phishing indexing tool for rapid detection and quarantining, allowing you to dramatically reduce dwell time of malicious emails that leak past your SEG. Cofense Vision includes automatic quarantining of major IOCs from Cofense’s phishing threat intelligence product.
The Cofense PDR solution ensures that you can see and rapidly remediate those threats with diverse intelligence derived not just from your employees’ email reports but combined with the collective intelligence from the world’s largest phishing reporting network. Only Cofense takes that human-vetted intelligence, automates analysis with AI/ML, adds in-depth human-vetting from phishing forensics experts, and feeds the PDR platform with unique SEG-miss threat intelligence. Your email attack profile is significantly reduced when you add Cofense solutions to your existing security stack.
See Cofense in action.
You'll learn how to:
- Transform your employees into cyber-resilient assets and active phishing reporters.
- Automate classification and remediation of AI-powered attacks that bypass your traditional or AI-based SEG.
- Leverage globally-sourced threat intelligence to identify and mitigate post-compromise risk