Russia-Ukraine Conflict Leverages Phishing Themes

By Dylan Duncan

Phishing Attacks Exploit Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, Multinational Organizations Targeted

As the conflict in Ukraine unfolds, Cofense Intelligence continues to monitor for phishing threats related to the conflict and has identified malicious campaigns that are using this current event as a lure to target end users. These campaigns are almost certainly opportunistic, as threat actors are weaponizing the conflict for financial gain by creating well-crafted credential phishing campaigns and donation scams. Threat actors using current events as themes within their email campaigns is quite common, and users should be universally vigilant against these threats. A variety of emails using this conflict as a lure have been reported to the Cofense Phishing Defense Center (PDC) directly from enterprise users’ inboxes. We have no evidence to suggest – based on IOCs, tactics, or campaign sophistication – that any of these campaigns were conducted by nation states directly involved in the war in Ukraine.

The overall volume of the phishing emails we have observed using the Russia/Ukraine conflict as a theme is low. However, some credential phishing and scam emails have made it into the inboxes of large multinational organizations in two separate industries. Each of the campaigns uncovered is focused on receiving cryptocurrency as a payout by directing the focus of the campaign toward cryptocurrency marketplace login credentials, or by requesting payment to a crypto wallet. In addition, some advance fee fraud emails have referenced the conflict as a social engineering effort. We know these have been sent by threat actors but have not seen them reported by enterprise end users.

Example 1: Sanctions-Themed-Emails Targeting Cryptocurrency Marketplace Credentials

This phishing email used the subject of sanctions against Russia in targeting employees at a European financial service provider, as seen in Figures 1 and 2. The campaign spoofs the login page of popular German Bitcoin marketplace, targeting login credentials with the likely intention of stealing cryptocurrency. Multiple variants of the email were discovered, but all used the sanctions against Russia to add social engineering pressure within the phishing campaign. The email was originally in German but has been translated to English for this report.

Figure 1 Image for Cofense Staging WebsiteFigure 1: English translation of a email with Russian Sanction lure.

Figure 1a German 1 Image for Cofense Staging WebsiteFigure 2: Original email with Russian Sanction lure.

Example 2: Humanitarian-Aid-Themed Scam Seeks Cryptocurrency

The image in Figure 3 shows an example of an email scam spoofing the Ukraine Red Cross Society, aiming to scam donors into cryptocurrency donations to a private wallet. The scam claims that funds will be used for logistical and medical support of Ukraine armed forces and civilians. This scam is not particularly sophisticated in its construction and is more likely to impact individuals than organizations. However, as noted above, it has reached inboxes at a multinational company.

Figure 1a German 1 Image for Cofense Staging WebsiteFigure 3: Ukraine Red Cross Society-spoofing emails requesting donations.

Example 3: Advance Fee Fraud

Threat actors often use world events as themes within advance-fee fraud operations, as part of unsophisticated social engineering efforts intended to convince victims of their sincerity. A number of recent emails using the Russia/Ukraine conflict as a theme have this objective. The image in Figure 4 shows the text of one such social engineering effort. We have not observed any of these emails actually reaching corporate inboxes, but they demonstrate how this conflict may be used by threat actors at any sophistication level.

Figure 4 Image for Cofense Staging WebsiteFigure 4: Russia/Ukraine conflict advance fee fraud email.

Indicators of Compromise

Table 1: Related phishing URLs for the Russia and Ukraine-Conflict-Themed Crypto credential phishing campaign.

Indicators of CompromiseDescription
hxxp://gefanet[.]com/?2DsZFmK7MAPhishing URL embedded in email
hxxp://pro-trux[.]com/?bEtW8e5IBmPhishing URL embedded in email
hxxps://bit[.]ly/3piqMWIPhishing URL embedded in email
hxxp://bobaylsworth[.]com/?0TtBfkonYLPhishing URL embedded in email
hxxp://latahina[.]com/?MuXhL1T4U3Phishing URL embedded in email
hxxps://bitcoin[.]de-schutz-kundenkonto[.]com/btc/Spoofed Bitcoin[.]de login page
hxxps://bitcoin-kundenupdate[.]com/btc/Spoofed Bitcoin[.]de login page
hxxps://strato[.]de-kundenkontrolle-verifkation[.]com/panel/live[.]phpPHP panel to harvest login credentials
hxxps://strato[.]de-kundenkontrolle-verifkation[.]com/panel/auth[.]phpPHP panel to harvest login credentials

Table 2: Crypto Wallet from the Ukraine Red Cross Society-spoofing scam email.

Crypto Wallet

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