Q4 Cofense Phishing Intelligence Report

Insights on the threats that matter: QakBot, Emotet, and Web3 Platform Abuse

The Cofense Intelligence™️ team analyzes millions of emails and malware samples to understand the phishing landscape. Every 90 days, we deliver this updated report on the latest threats spawned by malicious email attacks, so that you’re aware of what could be hitting your inboxes.

During Q4, Cofense saw several impactful changes in the threat landscape. While less activity than seen in previous quarters, several significant changes in Q4 were due to Emotet. Key observations included a phishing volume spike in November, the prominence of Office macros as a delivery trend, and the continued dominance of the Loader malware type.

Download the report for more details on the following:

  • ✓ Sudden Increase in Emotet C2 Traffic
  • ✓ Cost-Effective Service Abused in HTML Credential Phishing
  • ✓ HTML Smuggling of Malware and QakBot
  • ✓ Abuse of Web3 Technology for Evasive Phishing


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