Global Intelligence Network

Protect your organization with our deep analysis into the current threat landscape and emerging trends.

Join the Cofense Global Network

Cofense is the only comprehensive email security platform powered by a global network of unique intelligence sources: human intelligence, artificial intelligence and email attack intelligence.

Deployed through various products in our platform, these intelligence sources enable organizations to automatically remove attacks first seen by other Cofense customers, block attacks that have never been seen before, and utilize the power of automated technology without the worry of false positives.

Cofense Wi-Fi security - icon of Wi-Fi network with lock and shield

Human Intelligence

Our global network of over 35+ million users takes human reported campaigns and provides intelligence into our product suite, and directly to customers, giving you a defensive head start against emerging attacks.

Shield check icon for email protection

Artificial Intelligence

Patent-pending “computer vision” technology reads emails as a human does to identify and block email attacks at the inbox. Of the threats identified by computer vision, 88% have never been seen before.

Email Attack Intelligence

Cofense Intelligence threat analysts review every IOC from our human intelligence, artificial intelligence, and various threat feeds Cofense tracks, with customers experiencing – as they’ve told us – a “99.9% credibility rate.”

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What Our Customers Say

"We process Cofense reports first because we know if you’re reporting it, it’s bad. Cofense Intelligence is the most accurate phishing threat info we receive and it’s easy to consume.”
What makes Cofense special

Why do organizations need the combination of technology and intelligence when investing in email security?

Because 50% of all email attacks, including business email compromise (BEC) and credential theft, bypass secure email gateways (SEGs) – and make up 91% of all cyberattacks.

Your email security is only as effective as the intelligence that powers it. That’s why we synthesize human intelligence, artificial intelligence, and email attack intelligence into the Cofense Intelligence Network to proactively evolve with the dynamic threat landscape.

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Frequently asked questions

As with threat feeds, threat intelligence feeds compile and continuously update data regarding the threat landscape. This information is fed in real time to designated users to help them quickly and constantly evaluate possible cybersecurity threats. Threat intelligence information provided in the feeds can include information about the network and indicators of compromise (IoCs) such as anomalous account activity, non-human web traffic anomalies, and other irregularities. These feeds inform security teams, providing intelligence that helps them quickly prioritize and disposition issues.

Threat feeds are a mechanism for users to receive current data on cyber intrusions, phishing, and other types of fresh information on malicious activity. They are continuous data streams compiled via artificial intelligence to provide insights into risks and trends as they occur.

Cofense Intelligence is a cybersecurity service designed to help enterprises stop dangerous malware and phishing attacks. Proprietary methods automatically identify top threats to the enterprise. Cofense Intelligence provides timely and actionable information, tools, and coaching to enable businesses to decisively respond to attacks that would otherwise go undetected. Cofense’s actional intelligence is deliverable in multiple forms, reliable, published throughout the day, contextual, and user-friendly.


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