Cofense for Higher Education

The smart way to protect against phishing attacks.

Intelligent users aren’t always enough to stop complex phishing attacks.

Many college and university “bring your own device” policies make it hard to implement a unified and secure network. IT teams often struggle to track and manage all the unique devices, with their combination of personal and professional data. This loophole appeals to hackers, who usually use an institution’s network as a way to steal confidential information and extort individuals.

A comprehensive solution to inform your phishing response

Protect Your Users

The constantly changing population of students, researchers, academics, and staff at universities can make it difficult to secure all devices and the network. Our security solution combines Computer Vision and AI with a global network of human sensors, so you can quickly detect and stop phish — and keep threats from ever reaching users’ inboxes.


new or previously dormant malware families in phishing campaigns were identified by Cofense Intelligence in 2020.
(2022 Cofense Annual Report)

20 %

of higher education phishing attacks target user credentials
(2022 Cofense Annual Report)

Secure Important Information

Education institutions contain a wealth of knowledge, from personal student information to patented, academic research. Attackers are after both, which can lead to compromised research and student trust. Our solution spans all parts of the phishing attack cycle to help IT teams catch complex threats before they compromise institutional integrity.

Empower IT Teams

To take the burden off overworked and overwhelmed internal IT teams, implement an adaptive, flexible security that spots new and emerging threats. With AI capabilities and a global network of real, human sensors, our solution is designed to get smarter over time, so your IT team can respond quickly and intelligently to any attack.

0 M+

With Cofense, customers can access the knowledge of a broad global network of more than 35+ million users who report suspected phishing emails.
(2022 Cofense Annual Report)

Read Cofense reviews on TrustRadius

What Our Customers Say

It’s important to get everyone involved in cybersecurity, especially phishing defense. We have a lot at stake.
- Head of Information Security, Prominent University

Cofense in Action

Email Security professional working on a computer in a Email Security services setting

Complete Protection

Improve your overall security and stay ahead of emerging threats with end-to-end phishing protection that covers everything from detection and response to threat intelligence.

Explore security solutions

Email Security staff pushing a button on a computer keyboard, representing cybersecurity and protection

Increased Support

Phishing threats are inevitable and constantly evolving, but you don’t have to fight them alone. Our security solutions provide intelligence and support to help secure institutions of any size.

See the report

Email Security concept with shield and padlock

Intelligent Response

Beyond securing networks, our solutions can teach users to recognize and report potential phish. A leading university used Cofense training to educate users and reduce susceptibility.

Read the case study

End-to-End Email Security Built to Stop Threats.

Defend your organization with our complete suite of email security solutions.

Discover how Cofense stops phish and protects your company against evolving threats.


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