Cofense for Manufacturing

Build a secure business with a proactive anti-phishing strategy.

To protect your business, modernize your security.

Though manufacturing businesses often have lots of proprietary and personal employee information, many still use outdated legacy security systems that don’t provide protection against modern phishing threats. This vulnerability is compounded by dispersed locations that each use their own equipment, resulting in fragmented and unprotected IT systems.

A comprehensive solution that keeps the gears turning

Protect Your Patents

Manufacturers spend billions of dollars on research and development for new, innovative projects — and hackers are eager to steal, sell, or leverage this information for ransom. Our combination of Computer Vision and AI is designed to spot the phish that traditional SEGs miss so you can quickly identify and stop attacks and protect your business’ valuable information.

0 %

of manufacturing breaches aim to steal intellectual property such as trade secrets, business plans, and patented designs.

20 %

of trained Cofense customers can successfully report a suspected phish email within 0-59 minutes.
(2022 Cofense Annual Report)

Reduce Susceptibility

Many phishing attacks in the manufacturing industry start with an email sent to employees — and it only takes one employee response to start a chain reaction. Turn your employees into a built-in security team with our phishing simulation training. Designed to reflect real, current attacks, our simulations teach everyone on your team to help stop phish.

Stop Complex Threats

Stay ahead of the evolving threat landscape with a universal, flexible approach that deploys easily and helps you detect complex threats before they hurt your business. We combine AI and ML capabilities with a network of global human sensors to find complex, hard-to-detect phish — no matter how new or cutting-edge.

10 M+

With Cofense, customers can access the knowledge of a broad global network of more than 35+ million users who report suspected phishing emails.
(2022 Cofense Annual Report)

Read Cofense reviews on TrustRadius

What Our Customers Say

[Employees] get thousands of email reports every single day, so Triage saves them a ton of time. The team no longer has to guess about the true nature of an email.
- Security Awareness Manager Global Manufacturing Company

Cofense in Action

Email Security - Getty Images Illustration

End-to-End Protection

Our security solutions are designed to protect every aspect of your business — from your inbox to your bottom line — and they’ve been proven to reduce response time and limit impact.

See the report

Getty Images for Cofense blog post

Market-Leading Security

Whether you want to reduce employee susceptibility, improve response time, or provide support for internal IT teams, we can help. We’re even trusted by half of the Fortune 500.

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Person typing on a laptop keyboard with a phishing email on the screen, indicating a potential phishing attack

Rapid Response

Quickly detecting and responding to threats is key to reducing damage. Using our intelligent security solutions, our customers can stop attacks in under 10 minutes.

Read the case study

End-to-End Email Security Built to Stop Threats.

Defend your organization with our complete suite of email security solutions.

Discover how Cofense stops phish and protects your company against evolving threats.


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