This Phish Uses DocuSign to Slip Past Symantec Gateway and Target Email Credentials

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By Tej Tulachan

The Cofense Phishing Defense CenterTM has observed a new wave of phishing attacks masquerading as an email from DocuSign to target the credentials of all major email providers. DocuSign is an electronic signature technology that facilitates exchanges of contracts, tax documents, and legal materials. Threat actors utilize this legitimate application to bypass the email gateway and entice users into handing out their credentials. Here’s how it works.

Email Body

At first glance, the email body looks well-presented with the correct DocuSign logo and its content. However, there is something suspicious within the first line of the message—the absence of the recipient’s name, just “Good day.” If we look deeper into the message body, we can see that there is an embedded hyperlink which directs to hxxps://ori8aspzxoas[.]appspot[.]com/gfi8we/


Email Header

From the email header we can see that the threat source originates from the domain narndeo-tech[.]com. Further investigation reveals it belongs to Hetzner Online GmbH which is a well-known hosting company based in Germany. We noted that there is no sign of proof this came from a genuine DocuSign domain.

From: Lxxxx Mxxx <xxxxxx22@narndeo-tech[.]com>

To: R______ L_______ <[email protected]>

Message-ID: <20190716055127.3AEBF4689BD125B3[@]narndeo-tech[.]com>

Subject: New Docu-Sign

X-Env-Sender: lesliemason22[@]narndeo-tech[.]com

Phishing Page

When users click on the embedded link, it redirects to a phishing page as shown below in figure 2. Here the attacker gives six separate options for users to enter their credentials to access the DocuSign document, increasing the likelihood this phisher gets a bite.


Once the user clicks on the given option, it redirects to the main phishing page as shown below in three versions, Office 365, Gmail, and iCloud.


Email Gateway: This threat was found in an environment running Symantec EmailSecurity.Cloud.






Cofense™ cautions its customers to be wary of emails containing suspicious links or attachments. Specific to this sample, we recommend that customers be observant for emails that instruct users to provide their credentials. If your organization uses DocuSign as part of its business processes, remind users how they should expect legitimate notifications according to your internal standards. Cofense PhishMe™ customers may consider launching simulations that follow this style of attack to further train their users to detect and report suspicious emails.  A simulation template is available as “Completed Document,” which is based on a real phishing campaign. We also have existing newsletter (Announcement) content available to send to your users.



75% of threats reported to the Cofense Phishing Defense CenterTM are credential phish. Protect the keys to your kingdom—condition end users to be resilient to credential harvesting attacks with Cofense PhishMeTM.

Over 91% of credential harvesting attacks bypassed secure email gateways. Remove the blind spot—get visibility of attacks with Cofense ReporterTM.

Quickly turn user-reported emails into actionable intelligence with Cofense TriageTM.

Reduce exposure time by rapidly quarantining threats with Cofense VisionTM.

Attackers do their research. Every SaaS platform you use is an opportunity for attackers to exploit it. Understand what SaaS applications are configured for your domains—do YOUR research with Cofense CloudSeekerTM.

Thanks to our unique perspective, no one knows more about providing phishing awareness training and REAL phishing threats than  Cofense. To understand them better, read the 2019 Phishing Threat & Malware Review.


All third-party trademarks referenced by Cofense whether in logo form, name form or product form, or otherwise, remain the property of their respective holders, and use of these trademarks in no way indicates any relationship between Cofense and the holders of the trademarks.

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